Integrating Business Logic Into Your DreamFactory APIs
DreamFactory does a very good job of generating APIs for a wide variety of data sources, including Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, SFTP, AWS S3, and others. The generated API endpoints encompass the majority of capabilities a client is expected to require when interacting with the data source. However, software can rarely be created in cookie-cutter fashion, because no two companies or projects are the same. Therefore DreamFactory offers developers the ability to modify API endpoint logic using the scripting engine.
The scripting engine can also be used to create standalone APIs. This is particularly useful when no native nor third-party API exists to interact with a data source. For instance you might want to create an API capable of converting CSV files into a JSON stream, or you might wish to use a Python package to create a machine learning-oriented API. Such tasks can be accomplished with the scripting engine.
In this chapter you’ll learn how to both extend existing APIs and create standalone APIs using the scripting engine. Finally, the chapter concludes with a section explaining how to configure DreamFactory’s API request scheduler. First though let’s review DreamFactory’s scripting engine support.
Supported Scripting Engines
DreamFactory currently supports four scripting engines, including:
- PHP: PHP is the world’s most popular server-side web development language.
- Python: Python is a popular and multifaceted language having many different applications, including artificial intelligence, backend web development, and data analysis. Both versions 2 and 3 are supported.
- Node.js: Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built atop Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.
Keep in mind these aren’t hobbled or incomplete versions of the scripting engine. DreamFactory works in conjunction with the actual language interpreters installed on the server, and allows you to import third-party libraries and packages into your scripting environment.
Configuring Python 3
DreamFactory 3.0 added support for Python 3 due to Python 2.X offically being retired on January 1, 2020. Keep in mind DreamFactory’s Python 2 integration hasn’t gone away! We just wanted to provide users with plenty of time to begin upgrading their scripts to use Python 3 if so desired.
Python 3 scripting support will automatically be made available inside all DreamFactory 3 instances. However, there is an important configuration change that new and upgrading users must consider in order for Python 3 scripting to function properly. Whereas DreamFactory’s Python 2 support depends upon Bunch, Bunch does not support Python 3 and so a fork of the Bunch package called Munch must be used instead.
You’ll install Munch via Python’s pip package manager. A Python 3-specific version of pip known as pip3 should be used for the installation. If your server doesn’t already include pip3 (find out by executing which pip3
), you can install it using your server operating system’s package manager. For instance on Ubuntu you can install it like this:
$ apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated python3-pip
With pip3 installed, you can install munch:
$ pip3 install munch
Once installed, you’ll need to update your .env
file (or server environment variables) to point to the Python 3 interpreter:
You can find your Python 3 interpreter path by executing this command:
$ which python3
After saving these changes, restart your PHP-FPM and Apache/Nginx service.
Resources Available to Scripts
When a script is executed, DreamFactory passes in two very useful resources that allow each script to access many parts of the system including system states, configuration, and even a means to call other services or external APIs. They are the event resource and the platform resource.
Note: The term “resource” is used generically here, based on the scripting language used, the resource could either be an object (i.e. Node.js) or an array (i.e. PHP).
The Event Resource
The event resource contains the structured data about the event triggered (Event Scripting) or from the API service call (Script Services). As seen below, this includes things like the request and response information available to this “event”.
Note: Determined by the type of event triggering the script, parts of this event resource are writable. Modifications to this resource while executing the script do not result in a change to that resource (i.e. request or response) in further internal handling of the API call, unless the event script is configured with the allow_event_modification setting to true, or it is the response on a script service. Prior to 2.1.2, the allow_event_modification was accomplished by setting a content_changed element in the request or response object to true.
The event resource has the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
request | resource | A resource representing the inbound REST API call, i.e. the HTTP request. |
response | resource | A resource representing the response to an inbound REST API call, i.e. the HTTP response. |
resource | string | Any additional resource names typically represented as a replaceable part of the path, i.e. “table name” on a db/_table/{tableName} call. |
Event Request
The request resource contains all the components of the original HTTP request. This resource is always available, and is writable during pre-process event scripting.
Property | Type | Description |
api_version | string | The API version used for the request (i.e. 2.0). |
method | string | The HTTP method of the request (i.e. GET, POST, PUT). |
parameters | resource | An object/array of query string parameters received with the request, indexed by the parameter name. |
headers | resource | An object/array of HTTP headers from the request, indexed by the lowercase header name. Including content-length, content-type, user-agent, authorization, and host. |
content | string | The body of the request in raw string format. |
content_type | string | The format type (i.e. “application/json”) of the raw content of the request. |
payload | resource | The body (POST body) of the request, i.e. the content, converted to an internally usable object/array if possible. |
uri | string | Resource path, i.e. /api/v2/php. |
service | string | The type of service, i.e. php, nodejs, python. |
Please note any allowed changes to this data will overwrite existing data in the request, before further listeners are called and/or the request is handled by the called service.
Retrieving A Request Parameter
To retrieve a request parameter using PHP, you’ll reference it the parameter name via the $event[‘request’][‘parameters’] associative array:
// PHP
$customerKey = $event['request']['parameters']['customer_key'];
To retrieve the filter parameter, reference the filter key:
// PHP
$filter = $event['request']['parameters']['filter']
This will return the key/value pair, such as “id=50”. Therefore you’ll want to use a string parsing function such as PHP’s explode() to retrieve the key value:
// PHP
$id = explode("=", $event['request']['parameters']['filter'])[1];
To retrieve a header value:
// Python
request = event.request
print request.headers['x-dreamfactory-api-key']
Event Response
The response resource contains the data being sent back to the client from the request.
Note: This resource is only available/relevant on post-process event and script service scripts.
Property | Type | Description |
status_code | integer | The HTTP status code of the response (i.e. 200, 404, 500, etc). |
headers | resource | An object/array of HTTP headers for the response back to the client. |
content | mixed | The body of the request as an object if the content_type is not set, or in raw string format. |
content_type | string | The content type (i.e. json) of the raw content of the request. |
The Platform Resource
This platform resource may be used to access configuration and system states, as well as, the REST API of your instance via inline calls. This makes internal requests to other services directly without requiring an HTTP call.
The platform resource has the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
api | resource | An array/object that allows access to the instance’s REST API. |
config | resource | An array/object consisting of the current configuration of the instance. |
session | resource | An array/object consisting of the current session information. |
Platform API
The api resource contains methods for instance API access. This object contains a method for each type of REST verb.
Function | Description |
get | GET a resource |
post | POST a resource |
put | PUT a resource |
patch | PATCH a resource |
delete | DELETE a resource |
They all accept the same arguments:
method( "service[/resource_path]"[, payload[, options]] );
A breakdown of the above:
Property | Is Required | Description |
method | true | The method/verb listed above. |
service | true | The service name (as used in API calls) or external URI. |
resource_path | optional | Resources of the service called. |
payload | optional | Must contain a valid object for the language of the script. |
options | optional | May contain headers, query parameters, and cURL options. |
Calling internally only requires the relative URL without the /api/v2/ portion. You can pass absolute URLs like ''
to these methods to access external resources. See the scripting tutorials for more examples of calling platform.api methods from scripts.
Node.js Platform API Example
var url = 'db/_table/contact';
var options = null;
platform.api.get(url, options, function(body, response) {
var result = JSON.parse(body);
PHP Platform API Example
$url = 'db/_table/contact';
$api = $platform['api'];
$get = $api->get;
$result = $get($url);
Python Platform API Example
url = 'db/_table/contact'
result = platform.api.get(url)
data =
print data
jsonData = bunchify(json.loads(data))
Platform Config
The config object contains configuration settings for the instance.
Function | Description |
df | Configuration settings specific to DreamFactory containing but not limited to the version, api_version, always_wrap_resources, resources_wrapper, and storage_path. |
Platform Session
Function | Description |
api_key | DreamFactory API key. |
session_token | Session token, i.e. JWT. |
user | User information derived from the supplied session token, i.e. JWT. Includes display_name, first_name, last_name, email, is_sys_admin, and last_login_date |
app | App information derived from the supplied API key. |
lookup | Available lookups for the session. |
Adding HTTP Headers, Query Parameters, or cURL Options to API Calls
You can specify any combination of headers and query parameters when calling platform.api functions from a script. This is supported by all script types using the options argument.
var url = '';
var payload = {"name":"test"};
var options = {
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
'parameters': {
'api_key': 'my_api_key'
};, payload, options, function(body, response) {
var result = JSON.parse(body);
$url = '';
$payload = json_decode("{\"name\":\"test\"}", true);
$options = [];
$options['headers'] = [];
$options['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
$options['parameters'] = [];
$options['parameters']['api_key'] = 'my_api_key';
$api = $platform['api'];
$post = $api->post;
$result = $post($url, $payload, $options);
url = ''
payload = '{\"name\":\"test\"}'
options = {}
options['headers'] = {}
options['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
options['parameters'] = {}
options['parameters']['api_key'] = 'my_api_key'
result =, payload, options)
data =
print data
jsonData = bunchify(json.loads(data))
For PHP scripts, which use cURL to make calls to external URLs, you can also specify any number of cURL options. Calls to internal URLs do not use cURL, so cURL options have no effect there.
// PHP
$options = [];
$options['headers'] = [];
$options['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
$options['parameters'] = [];
$options['parameters']['api_key'] = 'my_api_key';
$options['CURLOPT_USERNAME'] = '[email protected]';
$options['CURLOPT_PASSWORD'] = 'password123';
cURL options can include HTTP headers using CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, but it’s recommended to use $options[‘headers’] for PHP to send headers as shown above.
Modifying Existing API Endpoint Logic
The scripting interface is accessible via the Scripts
tab located at the top of the DreamFactory administration console. Once entered, you’ll be presented with a list of APIs hosted within your DreamFactory instance. Enter one of the APIs and you’ll see a top-level summary of the endpoint branches associated with that API. For instance, if you enter a database-backed API you’ll see branches such as _func
(stored function), _proc
(stored procedure), _schema
(table structure), and _table
(tables). For instance, this screenshot presents the top-level interface for a Microsoft SQL Server API:

If you keep drilling down into the branch, you’ll find you can apply logic to a very specific endpoint. Additionally, you can choose to selectively apply logic to the request (pre-process) or response (post-process) side of the API workflow, can queue logic for execution outside of the workflow, and can specify that the logic executes in conjunction with a specific HTTP verb (GET, POST, etc.). We’ll talk more about these key capabilities later in the chapter.
If you continue drilling down to a specific endpoint, you’ll eventually arrive at the script editing interface. For instance in the following screenshot we’ve navigated to a SQL Server API’s customer
table endpoint. Specifically, this script will execute only when a GET
request is made to this endpoint, and will fire after the data has been returned from the data source.

DreamFactory’s ability to display a comprehensive list of API endpoints is contingent upon availability of corresponding OpenAPI documentation. This documentation is automatically generated for the native connectors, however for connectors such as Remote HTTP and Scripted, you can supply the OpenAPI documentation in order to peruse the endpoints via the scripting interface. One great solution for generating OpenAPI documentation is the basic script editor is fine for simple scripts, you’ll probably want to manage more complicated scripts using source control. After configuring a source control API using one of the native Source Control connectors (GitHub, BitBucket, and GitLab are all supported), you’ll be able to link to a script by selecting the desired API via the Link to a service
select box located at the bottom left of the interface presented in the above screenshot.
Let’s review a few scripting examples to get your mind racing regarding what’s possible.
Validating Input Parameters
When inserting a new record into a database you’ll naturally want to first validate the input parameters. To do so you’ll add a pre_process
event handler to the target table’s post
method endpoint. For instance, if the API namespace was mysql
, and the target table was employees
, you would add the scripting logic to the
endpoint. Here’s a PHP-based example that examines the POST
payload for missing values and also confirms that a salary-related parameter is greater than zero:
$payload = $event['request']['payload'];
foreach($payload['resource'] as $record){
if(!array_key_exists('first_name', $record)){
throw new \Exception('Missing first_name.');
if(!array_key_exists('hire_date', $record)){
throw new \Exception('Missing hire_date.');
if($record['salary'] <= 0){
throw new \Exception('Annual salary must be > 0');
Transforming a Response
Suppose the API data source returns a response which is not compatible with the destination client. Perhaps the client expects response parameters to be named differently, or maybe some additional nesting should occur. To do so, you can add business logic to a post_process
endpoint. For instance, to modify the response being returned from the sample MySQL database API’s employees
table endpoint, you’ll add a script to mysql._table.employees.get.post_process
. As an example, here’s what a record from the default response looks like:
"emp_no": 10001,
"birth_date": "1953-09-02",
"first_name": "Georgi",
"last_name": "Facello",
"gender": "M",
"hire_date": "1986-06-26"
Suppose you instead want it to look like this:
"emp_no": 10001,
"birth_date": "1953-09-02",
"name": "Georgi Facello",
"gender": "M"
Specifically, we’ve combined the first_name
and last_name
parameters, and removed the hire_date
parameter. To accomplish this you can add the following PHP script to the mysql._table.employees.get.post_process
$responseBody = $event['response']['content'];
foreach ($responseBody['resource'] as $n => $record) {
$record["name"] = $record["first_name"] . " " . $record["last_name"];
$responseBody['resource'][$n] = $record;
$event['response']['content'] = $responseBody;
Stopping Script Execution
Just like in normal code execution, execution of a script is stopped prematurely by two means, throwing an exception, or returning.
// Stop execution if verbs other than GET are used in Custom Scripting Service
if (event.request.method !== "GET") {
throw "Only HTTP GET is allowed on this endpoint."; // will result in a 500 back to client with the given message.
// Stop execution and return a specific status code
if (event.resource !== "test") {
// For pre-process scripts where event.response doesn't exist yet, just create it
event.response = {};
// For post-process scripts just update the members necessary
event.response.status_code = 400;
event.response.content = {"error": "Invalid resource requested."};
// defaults to 200 status code
event.response.content = {"test": "value"};
Throwing An Exception
If a parameter such as filter is missing, you can throw an exception like so:
// PHP
if (! array_key_exists('filter', $event['request']['parameters'])) {
throw new \DreamFactory\Core\Exceptions\BadRequestException('Missing filter');
will return the following:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"context": null,
"message": "Missing filter",
"status_code": 400
Using the same example above, we can also add our own internal error code by passing an integer as the second argument:
// PHP
if (! array_key_exists('filter', $event['request']['parameters'])) {
throw new \DreamFactory\Core\Exceptions\BadRequestException('Missing filter', 123456);
will return:
"error": {
"code": 123456,
"context": null,
"message": "Missing filter",
"status_code": 400
(Note that “code” will return the status code of the exception unless you provide one).
The Following Exceptions are available to you:
Exception | Returned Status Code | Argument 1 | Argument 2 | Argument 3 |
BadRequestException | 400 Bad Request | message (string) | code (integer) | |
BatchException | 400 Bad Request | resources (array)* | message (string) | code (integer) |
ConflictResourceException | 409 Conflict | message (string) | code (integer) | |
DFException | 500 Internal Server Error | Exception** | ||
ForbiddenException | 403 Forbidden | message (string) | code (integer) | |
InternalServerErrorException | 500 Internal Server Error | message (string) | code (integer) | |
InvalidJsonException | 400 Bad Request | message (string) | code (integer) | |
NotFoundException | 404 Not Found | message (string) | code (integer) | |
NotImplementedException | 501 Not Implemented | message (string) | code (integer) | |
RestException | Whatever you want*** | status code (integer) | message (string) | code (integer) |
ServiceUnavailableException | 503 Service Unavailable | message (string) | code (integer) | |
TooManyRequestsException | 429 Too Many Requests | message (string) | code (integer) | |
UnauthorizedException | 401 Unauthorized | message (string) | code (integer) |
and can be implemented with (php) throw new \DreamFactory\Core\Exceptions\<ExceptionFromAbove>(<arguments>)
* The array of resources given as the first argument for a batch exception can contain “regular” data (e.g. data from a succesful call or a string saying “success”) as well as instances of Exceptions. For example if we made a POST batch request, of which two failed, and one was succesful, you could use BatchException
in the following manner (hardcoded but it should give you an idea):
Our Script:
$errorOne = new \DreamFactory\Core\Exceptions\BadRequestException('Missing Name');
$errorTwo = new \DreamFactory\Core\Exceptions\BadRequestException('Missing Location');
$successfulCall = array("Name"=>"Tomo", "Location"=>"London");
$errorArray = array($errorOne, $successfulCall, $errorTwo);
throw new \DreamFactory\Core\Exceptions\BatchException($errorArray,'Some failed requests');
This would return:
"error": {
"code": 1000,
"context": {
"error": [
"resource": [
"code": 400,
"context": null,
"message": "Missing Name",
"status_code": 400
"Name": "Tomo",
"Location": "London"
"code": 400,
"context": null,
"message": "Missing Location",
"status_code": 400
"message": "Some failed requests",
"status_code": 400
Here our “Error” array shows that the first (0) and third (2) “resource” failed, as can be seen in the “resource” object following.
** You can use the DFException if you want the status code to be a 500 internal error, but containing an instance of a seperate Exception. For example if we wanted to show our BadRequestException but throw it as a 500 our script may look something like:
$error = new \DreamFactory\Core\Exceptions\BadRequestException('Missing Location');
throw new \DreamFactory\Core\Exceptions\DFException($error);
Which would return a 500 status code response, but the response itself would contain the following, including the status code of our actual error (in this case 400):
"error": {
"code": 400,
"context": null,
"message": "Missing Location"
*** By using a RestException, you can have the response be any accepted HTTP status code you like. It must be provided as the first argument, otherwise the Exception will simply return a 500.
For example, to throw a “I’m a teapot” Exception, the end of your script might well be:
throw new \DreamFactory\Core\Exceptions\RestException(418, "Sorry Mate");
and your response would be:
"error": {
"code": 418,
"context": null,
"message": "Sorry Mate",
"status_code": 418
Creating Standalone Scripted Services
To create a standalone scripted service, you’ll navigate to Services > Create
and then click the Select Service Type
dropdown. There you’ll find a scripted service type called Script
, and under it you’ll find links to the supported scripting engine languages (PHP, Python, and NodeJS):

After choosing your desired language you’ll be prompted to supply the usual namespace, label, and description for your API. Click the Next
button and you’ll be presented with a simple text editor. You’re free to experiment by writing your script inside this editor, or could use the Link to a service
option to reference a script stored in a file system, or within a repository. Keep in mind you’ll first need to configure the source control or file API in order for it to be included in the Link to a service
In addition to taking full advantage of the scripting language syntax, you can also use special data structures and functionality DreamFactory injects into the scripting environment. For instance, you can listen for request methods using the $event['request']['method']
array value. For instance try adding the following code to a scripted service:
if ($event['request']['method'] == "POST") {
dd("POST request!");
} elseif ($event['request']['method'] == "GET") {
dd("GET request!");
Save the changes, and then try contacting the scripted service endpoint with GET
and POST
methods. The dd()
function will fire for each respective conditional block.
For more sophisticated routing requirements, we recommend taking advantage of one of the many OSS routing libraries. For instance bramus/router offers a lightweight PHP routing package that can easily be added to DreamFactory (see the next section, “Using Third-Party Libraries”). Once added, you’ll be able to create sophisticated scripted service routing solutions such as this:
$router = new \Bramus\Router\Router();
$response = new \DreamFactory\CustomResponse();
$router->before('GET', '/.*', function () {
header('X-Powered-By: bramus/router');
$router->get('/.*', function() use($response) {
$response->setContent('Hello Router World!');
$router->set404(function() {
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
$response->setContent('404 not found');
return $response->getContent();
Example Standalone Scripted Services
Obfuscate Table Endpoints (PHP)
This script allows you to obfuscate table endpoints to a more concise endpoint. For example, you might want to change service_name/_table/employees
to just exployees
Paste the script into the PHP scripted service and change api_path
variable to be whatever service/_table/tablename you want to obfuscate. Save the service. It is now available using the standard DreamFactory table record API procedures, except the endpoint is shortened.
// Set up the platform object with shortcuts to each verb
$api = $platform['api'];
$get = $api->get;
$post = $api->post;
$put = $api->put;
$patch = $api->patch;
$delete = $api->delete;
$api_path = 'db/_table/todo'; // the service/_table/tablename you wish to obfuscate
$method = $event['request']['method']; // get the HTTP Method
$options['parameters'] = $event['request']['parameters']; // copy params from the request to the options object
// if there are additional resources in the request path add them to our request path
if ( $event['resource'] && $event['resource'] != '' ) {
$api_path = $api_path . '/' . $event['resource'];
if ( $event['request']['payload'] ) { // if the payload is not empty assign it to the payload var
$payload = $event['request']['payload'];
} else { //else make the payload null
$payload = null;
switch ( $method ) { // Determine which verb to use when making our api call
case 'GET':
$result = $get ( $api_path, $payload, $options );
case 'POST':
$result = $post ( $api_path, $payload, $options );
case 'PUT':
$result = $put ( $api_path, $payload, $options );
case 'PATCH':
$result = $patch ( $api_path, $payload, $options );
case 'DELETE':
$result = $delete ( $api_path, $payload, $options );
$result['message'] = 'Invalid verb.';
return $result; // return the data response to the client
Using Third-Party Libraries
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, DreamFactory passes the scripts along to the designed scripting language that’s installed on the server. This means you not only have access to all of the scripting language’s syntax (as opposed to some hobbled version), but also the language community’s third-party packages and libraries!
Adding a Composer Package
DreamFactory is built atop the PHP language, and uses Composer to install and manage a number of internally built and third-party packages which are used throughout the platform. If you’d like to take advantage of a Composer package within your scripts, install it globally using the global
modifier. For instance, suppose you wanted to send out a Tweet from a script. You can use the twitteroauth package to do so:
$ composer global require abraham/twitteroauth
Once installed, you can use the package within a DreamFactory script via it’s namespace as demonstrated in the following example:
$consumerKey = env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY');
$consumerSecret = env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET');
$oauthToken = env('TWITTER_OAUTH_TOKEN');
$oauthSecret = env('TWITTER_OAUTH_SECRET');
$connection = new \Abraham\TwitterOAuth\TwitterOAuth(
if ($event['request']['method'] == "POST") {
$message = $event['request']['payload']['resource'][0]['message'];
$response = $connection->post("statuses/update", ["status" => $message]);
return json_encode(["response" => $response]);
You’ll want to install packages globally because the only other alternative is to install them locally via DreamFactory’s Composer files. The packages will behave identically to those installed globally, however you’ll eventually overwrite DreamFactory’s Composer files when it’s time to upgrade.Adding a PHP Class Library
If you’d like to reuse custom code within scripts, and don’t want to manage the code within a Composer package, you could alternatively add the class to PHP’s include path using the set_include_path() function. Once included, you can use the require_once statement to import the class. This approach is demonstrated in the following example script:
$filter = new \WJGilmore\Validate\Validate();
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$event['response'] = [
'status_code' => 400,
'content' => [
'success' => false,
'message' => $e->getMessage()
The referenced Filter
class is found in a file named Filter.php
and looks like this:
namespace WJGilmore\Validate;
use Exception;
class Validate {
public function username($username) {
if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9\s]*$/", $username) != 1) {
throw new Exception("Username must be alphanumeric.");
return true;
If you’d like to permanently add a particular directory to PHP’s include path, modify the include_path configuration directive.
Queued Scripting Setup
DreamFactory queued scripting takes advantage of Laravel’s built-in queueing feature, for more detailed information, see their documentation here. Every DreamFactory instance comes already setup with the ‘database’ queue setting with all necessary tables created (scripts and failed_scripts). The queue configuration file is stored in config/queue.php
and can be updated if another setup is preferred, such as Beanstalkd, Amazon SQS, or Redis.
DreamFactory also fully supports the following artisan commands for configuration and runtime execution:
queue:failed List all of the failed queue scripts
queue:flush Flush all of the failed queue scripts
queue:forget Delete a failed queue script
queue:listen Listen to a given queue
queue:restart Restart queue worker daemons after their current script
queue:retry Retry a failed queue script
queue:work Process the next script on a queue
Specifying The Queue
You may also specify the queue a script should be sent to. By pushing scripts to different queues, you may categorize your queued scripts, and even prioritize how many workers you assign to various queues. This does not push scripts to different queue connections as defined by your queue configuration file, but only to specific queues within a single connection. To specify the queue, use the queue configuration option on the script or service.
Specifying The Queue Connection
If you are working with multiple queue connections, you may specify which connection to push a script to. To specify the connection, use the connection configuration option on the script or service.
Delayed Scripts
Sometimes you may wish to delay the execution of a queued script for some period of time. For instance, you may wish to queue a script that sends a customer a reminder e-mail 5 minutes after sign-up. You may accomplish this using the delay configuration option on your script or service. The option values should be in seconds.
Running The Queue Listener
Starting The Queue Listener
Laravel includes an Artisan command that will run new scripts as they are pushed onto the queue. You may run the listener using the queue:listen
php artisan queue:listen
You may also specify which queue connection the listener should utilize:
php artisan queue:listen connection-name
Note that once this task has started, it will continue to run until it is manually stopped. You may use a process monitor such as Supervisor to ensure that the queue listener does not stop running.
Queue Priorities
You may pass a comma-delimited list of queue connections to the listen script to set queue priorities:
php artisan queue:listen --queue=high,low
In this example, scripts on the high queue will always be processed before moving onto scripts from the low
Specifying The Script Timeout Parameter
You may also set the length of time (in seconds) each script should be allowed to run:
php artisan queue:listen --timeout=60
Specifying The Queue Sleep Duration
In addition, you may specify the number of seconds to wait before polling for new scripts:
php artisan queue:listen --sleep=5
Note that the queue only sleeps if no scripts are on the queue. If more scripts are available, the queue will continue to work them without sleeping.
Processing The First Script On The Queue
To process only the first script on the queue, you may use the queue:work
php artisan queue:work
Dealing with Failed Scripts
To specify the maximum number of times a script should be attempted, you may use the --tries
switch on the queue:listen
php artisan queue:listen connection-name --tries=3
After a script has exceeded this amount of attempts, it will be inserted into a failed_jobs
Retrying Failed Scripts
To view all of your failed scripts that have been inserted into your failed_jobs
database table, you may use the queue:failed
Artisan command:
php artisan queue:failed
The queue:failed
command will list the script ID, connection, queue, and failure time. The script ID may be used to retry the failed script. For instance, to retry a failed script that has an ID of 5, the following command should be issued:
php artisan queue:retry 5
To retry all of your failed scripts, use queue:retry
with all
as the ID:
php artisan queue:retry all
If you would like to delete a failed script, you may use the queue:forget
php artisan queue:forget 5
To delete all of your failed scripts, you may use the queue:flush
php artisan queue:flush
Scheduled Tasks
DreamFactory does not natively support scheduled tasks but you can setup a CRON job for this purpose. Let’s create an example that calls an API every minute of the day.
Creating the Script
First we will create the script to call the API. One easy way to do so is by navigating to the API Docs
tab and copying the cURL command for the appropriate call we would like to make. In this case we have business logic attached to GET
on _table/employees
that is synchronizing data between two databases.
Once we have the cURL command we can convert it to PHP by using this useful tool. After we will create a file named cron.php
in the public
folder containing the generated PHP code.
Running the CRON job
To start let’s define the CRON job parameters:
* * * * * /usr/bin/php /opt/dreamfactory/public/cron.php >/dev/null 2>&1
This can be broken into 4 parts, the timing, execute PHP, path to script, and the output. In this example the * * * * *
means it will run once every minute. The second portion is the path to PHP to allow it to be executed. The important part is now providing the full path to the file you would like to run. Finally you can write the output to a file or discard it, in this case I have set it to be discarded. If you would like to learn more about the structure, check out this article.
Next you will edit the crontab
by running the following:
$ crontab -e
You will be put into the text editor where you can simply paste in your CRON job and save it. Now you have a scheduled task running every minute to call your API!
Example Scripts
This section contains example scripts in PHP, Python, and NodeJS. For additional examples please consult these resources:
NodeJS Custom Logging
This script monitors usage of a particular service, saving history in a database table. Each time a GET call is made on an API endpoint, write the transaction details to a ‘TransactionHistory’ table. Record the user name, application API key, and timestamp.
// To enable Node.js scripting, set the path to node in your DreamFactory .env file.
// This setting is commented out by default.
// DF_NODEJS_PATH=/usr/local/bin/node
// Use npm to install any dependencies. This script requires 'lodash.'
// Your scripts can call console.log to dump info to the log file in storage/logs.
var payload = {
api_key: platform.session.api_key,
timestamp: (new Date()).toString()
};"db/_table/TransactionHistory", {"resource": [payload]}, '', function(body, response){
console.log(response.statusCode + " " + response.statusMessage);
event.setResponse(JSON.parse(body), response.statusCode, 'applicaton/json');
PHP Dynamic Authorization Headers
This PHP script is retrieving the configuration details for a particular Service and modifying the authorization headers. It can be very useful to have a script automatically do this for you if you are maintaining many Services that rotate passwords. The $randomNum
variable can even be replaced with a seperate API call to an OAuth endpoint for example that returns a JWT for authentication against your Service. Finally this script can be attached to our Scheduler feature to automatically run this script to ensure you are always authenticated.
// Configuring variables
$url = 'system/service/<service_id>';
$api = $platform['api'];
$get = $api->get;
$options = [];
$randomNum = rand(1000000000000,5000000000000000000);
// Retrieve the service details
$calling = $get($url);
$configAuth = $calling["content"];
// Set the new Auth Header for the Service
$configAuth["config"]["options"] = "abc".$randomNum;
// Setting the payload to have the new Auth Header
$payload = $configAuth;
// Execute a PATCH to replace the previous Auth Header of the Service
$postURL = 'system/service';
$patch = $api->patch;
$result = $patch($url, $payload, $options);
return $result;
More Information
We’re still in the process of migrating scripting documentation into this guide, so for the time being please consult our wiki for more information about scripting:
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